General Articles
Christian Rehabilitation
How Christian Recovery Programs Differ From Other Rehabs There are many options available to those seeking recovery from addiction. But for those who either have a spiritual foundation in Christ, or have not had success with traditional drug rehabs, a faith based Christian drug rehab may be the right choice. Christian addiction recovery combines traditional…
Read MoreAlcohol Rehabilitation
Alcohol Rehabilitation Learn About The General InPatient and Outpatient Therapies Available for Alcoholics Alcoholism is a problem that effects a large portion of the United States population. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in 2013, 24.6 percent of people over the age of 18 said that they participated in binge drinking…
Read MoreCARA – Stop Tolerating The Addiction Crisis – We Can do More
CARA – Stop Tolerating The Addiction Crisis – We Can do More If you care deeply about addiction, recovery, and helping curtail the tragic overdose deaths of 140 Americans a day, then today is a very important day for you because today is “National Call in Day” in support of CARA. So what exactly is…
Read MoreBattling Codependency
Battling Codependency Fighting For Your Identity For those who’ve struggled with addiction in their own life or in that of a loved one, they’ve witnessed the confusing and sometimes twisted family dynamics that develop. In the name of loving and caring is an underbelly or co-dependence, manipulation, and enabling that having run its course, produces…
Read MorePillars of Spiritual Healing | The Power of God and Addictions Part 2
Pillars of Spiritual Healing: The Power of God and Addictions Part 2 You need to enter the realm of spiritual war, because unless you fight spiritually, you cannot win. You need to recall the introductory circle. Think about the pollution. At first, you did not know the pollution came from Satan. This is Bible Spiritual…
Read MorePillars of Spiritual Healing | The Power of God and Addictions Part 1
Pillars of Spiritual Healing: The Power of God and Addictions I would like for you to imagine that you are in the center of a circle… The circle is composed of your feelings towards God; your feelings towards yourself; your feelings towards friends and relatives. Now, remember that since you are nurturing an addiction, to…
Read MoreAre We Fighting the “War on Drugs” with the Wrong Ammunition?
Are We Fighting the “War on Drugs” with the Wrong Ammunition? Should Addicts be Sent to Jail or Rehab? Drug addiction is no longer a “inner city” issue. Addicts are now at your back door. They live in nice homes and hold reputable jobs. Anyone can succumb to the disease of addiction. Addiction does not…
Read MorePowerful New Opiate Documentary Sponsored by FBI
Powerful New Opiate Documentary Sponsored by FBI Heroin Verses Prescription Opiates Perception Disparity There is a perception disparity concerning prescription drugs verses heroin. Somehow, young people have been conditioned to believe that prescription drug addiction is not as bad as heroin, and the cost has been the worst opioid crisis in our history with as…
Read MoreOverdose Survivors Are Still Prescribed Opioids
Overdose Survivors Are Still Prescribed Opioids A 12-year study is suggesting that over ninety percent of patients hospitalized for an overdose are still being written prescriptions after the event. Over seventy percent being written from the same physician! Are the doctors at fault? In the late 1990s doctors began prescribing opioid painkillers at an unprecedented…
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