Apply Today and Begin Your Life of Sobriety
We are very thankful for your interest in our program and truly feel in our hearts that you have found us now in God’s perfect time. We offer our sincerest prayers that this decision you are making—to move forward with our facility and family—will be awesome and life changing. You are invited to call us with any questions at 706-519-0404.
PWR - Program Application
Call us direct or fill out the contact form below to learn more about our safe, affordable care. 100% Confidential. No Obligation.

Walk with us... we can help.
Call today to speak to a compassionate and knowledgeable addiction professional about what you need to do next to start the admissions process.
Providence Women's Recovery Program Information
Financial & Monitoring Agreement
This includes both the financial agreement and the video Surveillance policy.
What to Bring Checklist
This document lists out all that you need to bring for your stay at Our Master's Camp.
Tri Fold Brochure
Please share this brochure with anyone you think might benefit from the information. Both front and back need to be printed for best viewability.
Frequently Asked Questions
For you convenience, many of the questions we commonly hear have been answered and compiled here, but do not hesitate to call for any reason.
Family Information Sheet
This article includes additional information regarding visitation and guidelines for family members of those in our care.
Guidelines & Policies
This form thoroughly explains all of our program guidelines and policies.